Thank you for considering me as a presenter and trainer. I am grateful for the opportunities I have to deliver academic lectures, teach in degree programs, lead workshops for clergy, parents, young adults, and youth as well as boundary training for professionals, and preach or lead worship.

In order to assist you in making a request, consider the things that help me decide which opportunities to accept:

  • Does this opportunity match my current teaching/research responsibilities?
  • Can I adequately prepare without compromising other responsibilities and keeping a realistic balance in my life? (e.g., family events, course teaching, total travel time in a month, etc.)
  • In what ways, am I, in particular, suited for this event?
  • Is the honorarium within the norm that you have paid to other guests with similar credentials including all travel expenses?
  • Finally, will it have a lasting impact on the ministry and learning of the community? (clergy, youth, young adults, parents, students, educators, etc.)

Send me an email explaining a bit about yourself, the event, and your reasons for inviting me as a speaker or trainer. Looking forward to working with you!

Kate Ott, PhD
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary